Monday 13 January 2025
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The definitive guide to using party drugs and not dying


Cocaine has many more negative side effects than positive ones, but if you are going to use cocaine, the biggest thing you should watch out for is combining with alcohol. This combination puts immense strain on your heart and, if you have any mild heart conditions, greatly increases the chance of a heart attack.

MDMA: Molly and Ecstasy

Molly is debatably the most popular party drug on the market right now. The biggest problem with this however, is that molly, which used to be MDMA in its purest crystalline form, is becoming less and less pure.

A sad majority of recent cases of molly overdoses involved the victim taking either tainted MDMA, or something that wasn’t MDMA at all.


While marijuana has the least amount of negative side effects on this list, it does have some. Although it is not physically addictive (any fairly knowledgeable pot smoker will tell you this), it is easy to become mentally addicted to its use (note: the pothead in your class who is constantly stoned).

Basically, the best way to ensure safe use with this substance is to simply avoid using it daily. It does not have many negative side effects from occasional use.


The biggest legitimate problem with psychedelics is having a bad trip. While bad trips can happen no matter what you do, it’s relatively easy to diminish the chances of having one. Psychedelic drug advocate Timothy Leary coined the term “set and setting” to describe what can make or break a psychedelic trip.

“Set and setting” refers to the mindset of an individual and the setting they’re in during the trip. Having your head in the right place (i.e. not super stressed for the mid-term you have to take tomorrow that you didn’t study for) and making sure that you are in a good, comfortable area (i.e. not at a party where you know no one and don’t know what town you’re in) can help ensure a good trip.

It is also important to note you really shouldn’t eat for a few hours before taking a psychedelic substance, especially psilocybin mushrooms. Having food in the stomach has been known to cause intense nausea and even vomiting for the first half of a trip, which might take you out of the good mindset we were just discussing.

Drinking alcohol while under the influence of LSD is also strongly not advised, because the energetic state LSD leaves the user in causes it to counteract the feelings alcohol brings, making it so the user doesn’t feel drunk, yet will still have all of the fun affects alcohol brings with it the next morning.

Tripsafe specializes in ensuring a user of a psychedelic is taking proper precautions on their set and setting, as well as having on hand people to talk you through a “bad trip” should you experience one.

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